Monday, 23 April 2012

Fireproof your life!

Dear all,

This title came to me tonight and for a few days I have been thinking about how I'm going to write this post. I thought it's a great place to start because I've been thinking about the word "Fireproof" lately. Fireproof is my favourite movie of all time. I would encourage you to watch it. I watched it again a couple of days ago.

Here is the trailer:

I have not written any posts in a while. I can only write when I am at peace. When my heart is feeling peace. The peace that comes from God. Sometimes fires come in your life and life's problems can make you feel isolated and alone. I've written a post on Mountains of Lessons before in this blog and what trying to climb a mountain by yourself and with no experience is like. Everyone goes through different types of trials. It's not only you. I know a lot of people struggling and there are lots of people all over the world going through things. The only thing is when problems arise is how you deal with them. Here is where the title "Fireproof your life" comes in!

The question is "How?". How do you Fireproof your life? Please leave your comments below, I'd like to know too. I am only joking because the answer is very simple. You do know why things get to you and why you feel down and depressed. If you're still confused I will tell you what you're missing -> God. God must be at the centre of your life!

God is the way! The only way you are going to get out is if you trust Him. It's no use just saying "God help me" - you have to trust He will and believe He will because He will. I don't know how, I must have clicked something on my facebook but somehow I ended up with this Christian website on my screen tonight and in the post it said that God never leaves us. He says, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." ~ Hebrews 13:5. It said something along the lines of the reason we feel alone is because we withdraw from God, God never withdraws from us. We are focusing on the problem and not on God.

There is sin in the world. There are bad things that happen. There are struggles in life. In Romans 3:10 it says, "under the power of sin, as it is written: None is righteous, no, not one." Although people can hurt us and we can hurt ourselves, God is a forgiving God. We had Easter this month where Jesus died to save our sins. In Romans 5:8 it says "but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Jesus died and rose again for our sake! So that we would have a chance in life! He gave us this chance!

Everyday is a chance to build your life with God. To walk in Faith with God. Matthew 6:21 says "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." If your treasure is with God however difficult your surroundings and things you're facing, God will carry you through. "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." ~Romans 12:2. Faith is like a flower. It has to be grown. You have to grow it everyday. You have to water it! If you don't water it, it will wither.

I want to write out a bit of the beginning of Romans 5 because I think it is a very good chapter for this blog post. "Therefore since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand and we rejoice in our hope of sharing the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us." Romans 5:1-5

The reason I am calling this blog post Fireproof your life is also because of my favourite quote from Fireproof too which can apply here, "Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." It's the not the reason I put the quote on my facebook the ideas for this post came to me as I'm writing it. For all my writing and everything all glory belongs to God. The only way you are going to withstand any fires in your life is with God! That is how you Fireproof your life! A life with God isn't problem free, remember there is sin in the world, sin was let into the world but Faith in God is how we will Fireproof our life!

Whatever fires you're facing in marriage, friendships, jobs, decisions whatever you're up against remember you are not alone. I started reading Karen Kingsbury's book Loving yesterday (she's a Christian author) and the reason I am telling you this is because everytime I read one of her books now I always remember a quote that she wrote that stood out to me. "Remember, when you can't take another step, God will carry you." ~ Karen Kingsbury, from her book Learning.

I was reading through my emails yesterday and in one of them I saw this picture too:

"Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day." ~Matthew 6:34.

I know I've written this quote before in a blog post somewhere but I want to write it here too, "Hakuna Matata, God's got it." It means "No worries, God's got it."

Wow I just looked now and there is actually a book called "Fireproof your life" too! On the cover of it is says, "Building a Faith that survives the flames."


Love and God Bless,
Until I write again,
Nicola Hill

Monday, 2 April 2012

A little bit of what I feel when I write

Words across a page. The thrill of them forming together to create a piece of writing. The source - your heart. Sometimes jotting ideas down. Writing in a moment of inspiration, a moment of peace. It is only in that moment where your writing will blossom. Looking back and reading what you wrote. A mix of ideas all blended together. Fine tuning and then completion. Ready to be shared.

That's a bit of what I feel when I write. A mix of ideas that are in my head and some that I've jotted down and thought about and when they're put on paper they form something to read. It comes together when I feel that inspiration to write. Where thoughts, learning, creativity and imagination take flight.

~Nicola Hill