Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Are we really connected?

It's been a while since I last wrote. I tend to say something along those lines in a few of my blog posts these days. I suppose it's been a while because I have been busy. I have had a lot to do lately and while I want to write, I don't just write for the sake of it, I have to write at that moment when I feel that inspiration. This post is brought to you by a thought I had and I decided to write about it.

Maybe by the title of this blog post you are thinking of course we are connected. With technology these days the world is more connected than ever. You can call people easily overseas, read everyone's social media, send messages to anyone in the world in an instant. However the resounding question that many ask is does it make us more connected? In same ways it does but in others it doesn't.

It's becoming more of a world where even in company everyone is on a mobile phone instead of talking to eachother. It's becoming a world of where everything is shared, what we are eating, doing and thoughts. It's becoming a world of reading people's social media instead of calling them. It's becoming a world of where human interaction is being replaced by mobile phones or tv or any other form of technology.

I am not saying I don't use technology because I probably use it as much as anyone but as much as I like being connected in a sense, sometimes I don't like it too. I think is technology these days is an addiction and we are all addicted, well a lot of the world population are, if you're not, go you! I remember the days when I didn't even have internet on my mobile phone and I actually only used a phone to call or text people. You know, those stone age days.

All these questions about being connected with technology made me think about our connection with God. We use technology to connect with people. We use the bible and pray to connect with God. In the same way, are we using the tools to connect to God but sometimes are we actually connecting to him? Sometimes we don't look up from our phones to the people around us, sometimes we don't look up after praying to the blessings around us.

The same way we focus on our phones and don't see anything, maybe sometimes we are focused on what we are asking God for and don't see anything. So while we use our phones or technology to connect, are we really connected? And while we read the bible and pray to connect to God,  are we really connected? You can know all about what someone has been doing and saying on social media, in the same way you can know things about God but are we really connected? Sometimes you can have all the tools but if you don't use them in the right way they are not going to work to give you the result you are expecting. Sometimes you just have to change the way you have been using them.

Think of that dial up tone, if you didn't have a dial up tone to connect to the internet and don't know the noise it used to make when it connected, here it is:

I just wanted you to have that noise in your head the next time you are thinking about being connected to people and God, you are welcome. Yes we have come a long way from that dial up tone for internet. Let's just not go away from real connections.

I am not saying there anything wrong with technology or with anything you post, you do what you want, I post all kinds of things too sometimes. I just had this thought about how important it is in life to remain connected to people and God because those moments are the moments you have. It's when certain things break up your connection and that dial up tone doesn't connect, that's when maybe we need to rethink a few things.

With that I will love and leave you,
Until I write again,
Stay connected (think of the dial up tone).
Nicola Hill